Potential criminal activity and risks can be practically eliminated by securing your property with tactics such as mobile security patrols. Unlike an alarm or a security camera, mobile security patrols are becoming an increasingly successful technique of securing corporate and residential premises. Having a physical and responsive presence on your property is crucial.
When hiring a mobile patrol security company for your business or residence in Southern California, ensure that your chosen security company uses the most up-to-date security technology to provide real-time situational awareness.
Checkpoints can be scanned and incident reports can be created that include images and videos using mobile devices. At Blackwater Public Safety, our mobile patrol officers are well-trained to react to any situation.
What are Mobile Security Patrol Services?
Mobile security patrol is the service of deploying an experienced patrol security company to conduct a private security patrol of your residential building or business premises randomly or on a schedule. Mobile patrol is an excellent alternative to deploying full time security to your premises.
Mobile patrol is a service that employs mobile security guards in a vehicle as a visual deterrence to prevent vandalism, damage, theft, and any other unlawful activity on your property.

Blackwater Public Safety provides well equipped patrol vehicles to our professional security guards who keep an eye out for a suspicious activity and illegal behavior. Our mobile patrol officers can be seen in the parking lots of shopping malls, residential estates and at private events.
Mobile patrol security guards follow a scheduled or random route on your property which serves as a deterrent to anyone who may want to commit crimes on the property. Our officers are usually the first to respond to security breaches such as vandalism, theft and any other criminal activity. Blackwater Public Safety takes pride in our highly trained officers that will contact law enforcement or emergency medical services if the situation calls for such action.
Benefits of Hiring Mobile Patrol Officers
As we have briefly covered above, mobile patrol security is one of the most effective ways to protect your business, residence, or any other important event. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to hire patrol guards, below are eight advantages of mobile security officers from Blackwater Public Safety.
1 - Provide Multiple Security Services
Mobile patrols are used for more than just protection. Patrol guards at Blackwater Public Safety provide multiple security services to provide safety and security to our clients.
In addition to patrolling your residence or business, our patrol officers do a physical inspection of the entire area, including all windows and doors to ensure property security.
They also offer quick response time in the event of security breaches, unoccupied property inspections, and lock and unlock services. Our officers also provide services such as escorting clients and employees, monitoring contractors, accepting deliveries, and inspecting entrances and exits after hours.
2 - Offer Efficient Safety and Security
Mobile security patrol officers are meant to ensure that your business and neighborhood is safe and secure. They provide families and employees with peace of mind by offering a physical security presence.

Because they can cover a larger area, hiring a mobile patrol security company is an ideal solution for larger businesses or locations. In comparison to typical on-site security guards, mobile security officers can move about and respond to security breaches quickly.
Every patrol security guard at Blackwater Public Safety receives high end training in order to conduct any security jobs, including threat identification, property patrols, crowd management, etc. Mobile patrol security officers carry out most of their responsibilities on wheels, but they also perform foot patrols if required. They do this to ensure that every aspect of your business or residence is safe.
3 - Provide Active Security Personnel
Typical on site security guards who stand at the property entrance are not the same as mobile patrol officers. Patrol officers are constantly on the move, continually patrolling the property looking for unusual activity. Our mobile patrol guards are trained to always alert and ready to act if there is any suspected criminal activity on-site.
4 – Visible Deterrent to Potential Criminals
Security officers in uniform and branded vehicles can be identified from afar. This makes it apparent to people that there is a security presence on site, and also serves as a deterrent to any potential criminals. When comparing mobile patrols to some of the other security alternatives, you will find that mobile patrol services are more dependable and efficient. A business or residence that is patrolled by mobile security officers is less likely to be the target of any potential criminal activity.
5- Random Patrols
Security guards that patrol an area at random intervals can dramatically improve security on site. This is because criminals prefer to commit crimes in areas where they are less likely to get caught. You can trust the mobile patrol security officers at Blackwater Public Safety to be on the lookout at all times and to make your safety their top priority..
6- Security System Responses

Mobile patrol guards efficiently respond to alarms and alerts, as well as perform inspections and patrolling services. They can work in partnership with up to date security technologies and advanced systems for a quick and efficient response time. Patrol officers at Blackwater Public Safety go through intensive and specific training in order to respond to alarms and alerts as quickly as possible.
7 – Adaptable Approach
Our security patrol officers are always ready to respond to a variety of security situations. Our unique, adaptable approach to your safety and security allows you peace of mind in any situation. We will work hand in hand with you to create a tailored security plan that works for your specific situation.
8- Cost Effective Security Solution
Sometimes a full-time security guard does not fit the budget. The solution to this is to hire mobile patrol guard services. It is more cost-effective to hire mobile patrol services since you have control over what specific security services you need the patrol officers to provide. Mobile patrol gives you the freedom to only pay for the services you need.
In addition, having mobile security patrol guards patrolling your site helps reduce potential losses and liabilities. If you are protecting your property from potential thieves, break-ins, or other criminal activity, you’re decreasing your chances of potential losses. By doing this, you are saving money by not having to pay damage repairs or potential lawsuit settlements.

If you are looking for security solutions to keep your commercial or residential property safe and secure, contact Blackwater Public Safety. We understand that every situation is unique. We have security professionals standing by to answer any questions and create a unique security plan tailored to your needs and unique situations. Your safety is our top priority and we are one of the top mobile patrol security companies in California. Mobile security patrols are becoming one of the most effective and reliable ways to secure commercial and residential buildings.
Our mobile patrol guards perform patrols and investigate suspicious activity on both random and scheduled routes. Since mobile patrol guards are not tied to a specific location, they are more likely to catch potential criminals off guard in your neighborhood.
At Blackwater Public Safety, we are proud to offer highly trained mobile security patrol officers. Our mobile patrol team will patrol your site with our clearly marked security vehicles that are also equipped with the high end security technology. Our team will keep an eye on your properties and protect you from potential criminal activity such as vandalism and theft.
At Blackwater Public safety, your safety is our top priority.